Making a gift for significant and lasting impact

A gift or legacy will be something very special you can contribute towards a dyslexia-friendly Scotland. Your gift can advance our activities at a local or national level or perhaps you have specific ideas for how you would like to help.

How to make a gift to Dyslexia Scotland

We are here to help. A confidential call with our Chief Executive Officer is available to those making an enquiry. Request a call back.

Important information about making a gift

You should speak to a solicitor about making a gift. The following links provide useful independent advice:

Remember a charity

Law Society of Scotland

Citizens’ Advice on wills

Information about Dyslexia Scotland

Dyslexia Scotland 1st Floor, Cameron House, Forthside Way, Stirling FK8 1QZ

Scottish Charity No: SC000951. Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No: SC153321.